Thursday 7 March 2013


  • To promote and protect the spiritual, social, educational and cultural interests of the Hindu Youths and to impart the study and practice of Hindu principles among the followers of the Hindu faith.
  • To promote and foster physical, cultural well being among Hindu Youths.
  • To achieve through the medium of this Council unity among the Hindu Youths in particular and other youths in the country in general.
  • To increase inter-racial, national and international respect, inter-communal understanding, co-operation and harmony through youth work.
  • To organize courses in youth leadership and to run work camps to enable the youths to undertake social and welfare work on the above lines.
  • To make representations and recommendations to statutory bodies or to other appropriate bodies in the name of the Hindu Youths of Malaysia.
  • To co-ordinate the interests and activities of the Council at State, District and Branch levels in Malaysia and to represent matters that concern the Hindu community in general.
  • To consider means of extending and strengthening Branch Hindu Youth Organisations at their own request.
  • To seek ways and means of sponsoring the establishment of Hindu Youth Organisations wherever necessary for the purpose of youth work.
  • To print, publish and sell or distribute gratuitously periodicals, books or leaflets that the Council may consider desirable for the promotion of its objectives subject to the ordinance or ordinances in force.
  • To establish, maintain and assist educational and cultural institutions, orphanages and relief homes.
  • To disseminate and inter-change matters of interest among youth organisations constituted under law in force.
  • To establish and maintain cordial relations with other National Councils of Youth Organisations.

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